
Audyssey was established in 2002 as a spin-off from the National Science Foundation engineering research center at the University of Southern California. 

Their products include apps for OEMs of HiFi Equipment:

MultEQ – a digital filter/equalizer for all speakers in a system, speaker by speaker, as measured in the room they are used in. It uses midlevel resolution filters with a resolution of 2x and weighing of six listening positions.

MultEQ-XT – highlevel resolution filters with a resolution of 128x and weighing of 8 listening positions.

MultEQ-XT32 – even higher levels of resolution 512x with weighing of eight listening positions.

The refinement of the process that produces these filters automatically, seems to have stopped some years back now. Its somewhat replaced with MultEQ-editor, an app for IOS and Android, that lets the user edit the filters visually and then upload them to the processor/amp.

Dynamic EQ – is a “loudness” function, adjusting the eq, as the volume is changed.

Dynamic Volume – is a compressorlike function, that adjusts the level of volume to the preset level, as the program material changes volume.

DSX – adds height and width channels to material that lacks them.