Some ideas for future topics for blog posts and articles. Feel free to tell me about Yours. If it catches my interest enough, You might just get lucky!
- What is most important to correct with DRC?, frequency, phase, impulse, room reflections or something else?
- How does the microphone used in DRC influence? frequency response, phase, impulse, ringing, overtones? And what are they calibrated for? just frequency?
- Whats the difference measure, filter and listening results wise, between measurement mic, pointing towards loudspeaker or pointing towards the roof (as recommended by DRC-suppliers)?
- Can we trust the cheap mics supplied with some DRCs?
- Can we improve our DRC, by using better measuring mics?
- What can DRC add when the room is well controlled already?
- What is the difference, measuring-wise and listening-wise, between different DRCs?
- How much can DRC help today´s small popular WiFi loudspeakers?
- Can DRC help outdoor systems too?
- What can DRC do for Your old car?
- Early tests and evaluations on new equipment and technologies.
- Could future metadata in music files, e.g. pre program DRCs for mic-setups ?
- How much does the room influence change, with different listening positions?
- How much does expensive and esoteric equipment influence with DRC?
- Setting up a Decision Analysis for the important choice of equipment.
- Root Cause Analysis – when the shit hits the fan.
- Can we be rational about HiFi, or has it become a religion?
- A conclusion page with permalinks to explanations within the blog.
- Deals from various manufacturers.
- Why DRC makes us feel less tired?
- DRC as a timemachine. Lookahead buffers how are they used in DRC?
- Linear and unlinear distortion, what is that? And what can DRC do about it?
- How does one violin differ in sound from another and how does DRC help?
- How does the room influence the sound?
- How does the speaker influence the sound?
- How does other parts in our HiFi-equipment influence the sound?
- What digital formats does makers use for DRC processing? DSD-frequences? PCM-wordwidths and frequences?
- How is an analog source like phono, handled from input to output when DRC is used?
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I would like to see a comparison between lets say: Dirac, Audyssey, BruteFIR and Acourate.
And I would like it to be as objective as possible, show us graphs from REW.
My intention is to compare as many DRC´s as possible, under various conditions. 2.0, 2.1 and multichannel, with “cheap” and top speakers, well dampened and undampened rooms, as I suspect that the manufaturers has different strenghts and weaknesses. It will not happen overnight, as standard test procedures to normalize the testresults has to be established first. But this is the plan.
Hi I am Alec from Paris. Nice blog!
I wonder when you are going too test the french make Trinnov?
I would like to review Trinnovs technology, we will see if there opens a chance for that, waiting for their call….
Thanks for the support and ideas on FIR and IIR filters and the tip on the book, looks like worthwhile reading. An article on filters is in the plannings, an article with short explanations on terms used (like DRC, DSP, FIR and others) is in the works.
I love your cruise control analogy. Looking forward to seeing more from you on this topic. I would suggest that you look at the differences between IIR and FIR filters (pros and cons, etc.). Also examine step response before and after correction. Mitch Barnett has written a great book on the topic which I highly recommend:…/dp/B01FURPS40
Perhaps a page explaining the various filter techniques like “FIR” and all the terms used in DRC would be valuable for most readers?
A Terminology page is now published. Thanks for the idea Erik and feel free to debate its content!